Monday, September 15, 2008

WebMD takes the award for Specialty Site Journalism

I reviewed the winner of the Specialty Site Journalism site WebMD. I thought this site had a lot of easily searchable information, which I’m sure was the main reason it won the award. The site’s search feature makes it very accesible and easy to quickly use when searching for a particular medical problem. Typing in “headache” for example in the search bar yield information on different kinds of headaches, causes, and remedies. The information on the site isn’t limited to a simple text descriptin either. Many of the pages conain links to other sites yielding more relavent information and in some cases there is actually movie clips you can view with information on certain conditions. There is also a blog link spot on the home page which gives users the ability to block about various medical conditions and cures. You can also ask an expert a personal question in diagnosing a problem you may have. The real value of the site comes from simple and quick accesability to a large amount of useful information.

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