Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama's Website: Past and Present has posted an article that shows changes in the information contained on Obama's website since the convention. Using Versionista, readers can follow links to specific portions of his website such as education, social security, rural-issues and Versionista gives both the previous Webpage and the current one side by side, with deleted information highlighted in pink and added information in green. This is really interesting because it allows us to see possible policy shifts that Obama has made since winning the nomination.

Comparisons like this, since they deal with a website are best communicated using the Web. The links allow for the actual article itself to be quite short while letting the user decide how much they want to read in to the facts. A user can either go by what the author is saying or investigate for themselves. Having the documents available at the click of the mouse is very credible for the journalist as well.

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