Monday, September 15, 2008

God-O-Meter rates high on Rob-O-Meter

The God-O-Meter, by in association with Time Magazine, won for online commentary at a large site.

This caught my eye in particular because of the term “God-O-Meter.” Any site that combines cutouts of people’s heads with arbitrary meters has my attention, and I particularly liked this site because, as the description on the ONA site said, it covers the topic of religion in politics in a unique way. The design is snappy, and they make full use of the ability to use multimedia and interactivity. I feel like it’s an especially hard topic to present commentary on, but they do a good job showing both sides and being as objective as possible. It seems to be equally critical of both candidates for president, and that goes a long way in establishing credibility.

I also like the quirky “God-O-Meter” itself. Even though it’s really arbitrary, it amplifies the entertainment value of the material and allows people to get a gist of what each post is going to cover. For instance, when readers saw on Sept. 9 that John McCain’s reading was a “8,” which is practically theocratic, they knew immediately that on this day, religion was an especially hot topic for McCain. I enjoy that kind of functional quirkiness.

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