Monday, October 6, 2008

When Good Web Design Meets Bad Web Design


Music Web site Pitchfork is a prime example of excellent Web design because the site's elements are unified, simple and in harmony. The site is clean, with similar fonts and colors, as well as a tidy organization. Each section of the site is clearly labeled and slightly different then its neighboring sections, yet there's a unity in fonts, colors and layout. The navigation bar on the left follows from page The site also keeps advertising off the main part of the page, clearly in the margins.


Poolesville Online's Web site shows a few flaws in Web design. For one, the site is a bit cluttered, with everything seemingly squeezed into its position. The site attempts harmony with its main stories on the homepage, but ends up making each story look the same, eliminating any sense of prominence. The site's ads change size, oftentimes cutting into editorial content. There's also a running scroll on the main page, which is distracting and serves no real purpose. While there is a navigation bar at the left, the color of it changes, making it somewhat distracting. The page also shifts left or right based on which link you click. Poolesville Online isn't horrible, it just lacks in simplicity, harmony and cleanliness.

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