Sunday, October 5, 2008

Good and Bad Website Design

Good Website: is an example of a well designed website. It is very easy to tell right off the bat what the website's content is based on. It is also very easy to use with a clearly defined navigation bar with drop down menus at the top of the screen. There is also a search bar at the top for easy use. If you're looking for a particular recipe there's a recipe finder you can use by putting in different search criteria. The site also shows good contrast with using different fonts and colors for the navigation, titles, and content. The site exhibits a fairly simple design and doesn't go overboard with flashy pictures and graphics. There is also harmony and repetition throughout the site with font, titles, and colors.

Bad Website:

UsabilityNet is a good example of what not to do when designing a web page. You should be able to tell what kind of site a web page is by just pulling up the home page. On this site it takes some snooping around to even figure out what it's purpose is. What this site does is list a navigation bar at the top and then just re-list the links with their content below. It would look better if the designer had simply placed a larger mission statement on the home page and then let the user select within the navigation where they wished to visit. This site also does not show any contrast. Titles are not that much larger then regular font on the page. The navigation should also be somewhat distinct from the content of the page but it's not. There isn't any differentiation in fonts, which there should be to distinguish between titles and content. The page also doesn't let you see everything put together on the same page and you have to scroll down to see the rest of the content. This is another reason why the content links shouldn't all be jumbled on one page. About the only thing going for this site is simplicity, and that is because this site is simply bad.

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